I’m writing a pl/sql function. I need to select multiple rows from select statement:
SELECT pel.ceid FROM pa_exception_list pel WHERE trunc(pel.creation_date) >= trunc(SYSDATE-7)
if i use:
SELECT pel.ceid INTO v_ceid
it only stores one value, but i need to store all values that this select returns. Given that this is a function i can’t just use simple select because i get error, “INTO – is expected.”
You can use a record type to do that. The below example should work for you
DECLARE TYPE v_array_type IS VARRAY (10) OF NUMBER; var v_array_type; BEGIN SELECT x BULK COLLECT INTO var FROM ( SELECT 1 x FROM dual UNION SELECT 2 x FROM dual UNION SELECT 3 x FROM dual ); FOR I IN 1..3 LOOP dbms_output.put_line(var(I)); END LOOP; END;
So in your case, it would be something like
select pel.ceid BULK COLLECT INTO <variable which you create> from pa_exception_list where trunc(pel.creation_Date) >= trunc(sysdate-7);