I want a JSON output having the distinct values of a column and also a limited number of rows.
This is the sample table that I have in a Postgres Database:
Name Author Copies Sold ---- ------- ----------- Book1 James 10 Book2 James 10 Book3 Alex 12 Book4 James 11 Book5 Amanda 1
I want to write an SQL query that returns a list of all the unique author names and also every row but with a limit of 3
This is the SQL query that I have so far
WITH first_query AS( SELECT * FROM sample_table LIMIT 3 ) SELECT json_build_object("all_authors",json_agg(DISTINCT(author)), "book_details",json_agg(row_to_json(first_query)) ) FROM first_query;
This gives me the following output:
{"all_authors":["James","Alex"], "book_details":[{"name":"Book1","author":"James","copies sold":10}, {"name":"Book2","author":"James","copies sold":10}, {"name":"Book3","author":"Alex","copies sold":12}]}
In the above output, the only Authors in the list are James and Alex. However, I want the names of all three authors but still limiting “book_details” to the first three. i.e. I want Amanda to be on the list too.
Basically, this is the output I want:
{"all_authors":["James","Alex", "Amanda"], "book_details":[{"name":"Book1","author":"James","copies sold":10}, {"name":"Book2","author":"James","copies sold":10}, {"name":"Book3","author":"Alex","copies sold":12}]}
How do I get all distinct values of a column and still have a limit on the query?
here is how you can do it;
with cte as ( SELECT * FROM books limit 3 ) SELECT json_build_object('all_authors',json_agg(DISTINCT(author)),'book_details',(select json_agg(row_to_json(cte.*,true)) from cte)) FROM books