I already have a python code that send the data to the postgresql function that i also created, but now i want to send a list to that function, but I’m not sure how to actually create that kind of postgresql function.
Postgresql Function that will insert one row looks like this. But i want to send a list of data from python and then loop trough that list inside of this function.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION asg.insert_asg( recommendation_account text, recommendation_region text, recommendation_time text, asg_name text, asset_id text, launch_configuration_name text, min_size integer, max_size integer, desired_capacity integer, default_cooldown integer, availability_zones text, load_balancers_classic text, load_balancers_classic_missing text[], load_balancers_target_groups text, load_balancers_target_groups_missing text[], instances text[], create_time text, tags text[], termination_policies text, new_instances_protected_from_scale_in boolean, cloud_fit boolean, recommendations_content text[]) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ DECLARE new_asg_id integer; BEGIN INSERT INTO asg.asg(recommendation_account, recommendation_region, recommendation_time, asg_name, asset_id, launch_configuration_name, min_size, max_size, desired_capacity, default_cooldown, availability_zones, load_balancers_classic, load_balancers_target_groups, create_time, termination_policies, new_instances_protected_from_scale_in, cloud_fit, load_balancers_classic_missing, load_balancers_target_groups_missing, instances, tags) VALUES(recommendation_account, recommendation_region, recommendation_time, asg_name, asset_id, launch_configuration_name, min_size, max_size, desired_capacity, default_cooldown, availability_zones, load_balancers_classic, load_balancers_target_groups, create_time, termination_policies, new_instances_protected_from_scale_in, cloud_fit, load_balancers_classic_missing, load_balancers_target_groups_missing, instances, tags) RETURNING asg.asg_id INTO new_asg_id; INSERT INTO asg.recommendations(recommendations_content, asg_id) VALUES (recommendations_content, new_asg_id); RETURN new_asg_id; END; $BODY$; ALTER FUNCTION asg.insert_asg(text, text, text, text, text, text, integer, integer, integer, integer, text, text, text[], text, text[], text[], text, text[], text, boolean, boolean, text[]) OWNER TO postgres;
Python code looks like this
def insert_asg(): #INSERT db from input json file to posgre sql table json_inputs = read_input_json(request.get_json()) print(json_inputs) try: conn = connect() cur = conn.cursor() inserted_rows = 0 query = "select asg.insert_list_asg(" for json_input in json_inputs: inserted_rows += 1 for param in json_input: #For Loop for transfering string that was read from json file, to string that can be applied to postgre function if type(param) is list: param = (str(param)).replace("'", "") param = (str(param)[1:-2]).replace("{", "[").replace("}","]") param = "{" + param + "}" if type(param) is not str: param = str(param) else: param = "'" + param + "'" if param == "None": param = "null" query = query + param + ", " commas = query.rfind(",") #This will return the index of the last comma, and in the next line we will remove it as that is last paramater we sent to postgres function query = query[:commas] query += ")" print(query) # cur.execute(query) # conn.commit() cur.close() return json.dumps({'success':True, 'inserted_rows':inserted_rows}), 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'}
I actually dont need help with python code, only with postgresql, but i added it there just if anyone need to take a look on it.
Version of postgresql is 12.4 and version of python is 3.7
Small example with valid json:
WITH i(j) AS ( SELECT '{ "recommendation_account": "foo", "recommendation_region": "None", "recommendation_time": "13:39:00", "recommendations": ["bar","baz"] }'::json ), step_1 AS ( INSERT INTO asg.asg ( recommendation_account, recommendation_region, recommendation_time) SELECT NULLIF(j #>> '{recommendation_account}', 'None') , NULLIF(j #>> '{recommendation_region}', 'None') , (NULLIF(j #>> '{recommendation_time}', 'None'))::time -- Will fail when not valid FROM i RETURNING asg.asg_id ) INSERT INTO asg.recommendations(asg_id, recommendations_content) SELECT asg_id, recommendations_content FROM step_1 , i , json_array_elements_text(j #> '{recommendations}') jae(recommendations_content) RETURNING id;
But you have to be sure that you have a valid json object and all content also matches the datatypes in your tables.