I have a table that contains millions of rows for names of customers as a column. I want to find if a part of a name exists within another row in the same column. E.g. If a row has value ‘Roger Federer’ and there are other rows with values, ‘Roger’ and ‘Federer’, I want the corresponding primary keys of all the three rows.
If you want to construct a logic related to rows, union
concepts may suit well,
by the way, in string operations we’d better use collations with patterns through upper
or lower
functions to satisfy case-insensitivity for letters :
select id from customers where lower(name) like '%roger%' union all
select id from customers where lower(name) like '%federer%';
and no need to add already included complete name ( e.g. Roger Federer ).
Edit : An Alternative method maybe the following :
select distinct id
from (select lower(regexp_substr('&str', '[^[:space:]-]+', 1, 1)) frst,
lower(regexp_substr('&str', '[^[:space:]-]+', 1, 2)) lst,
lower('&str') nm
from customers) c1
cross join customers c2
where c1.frst like '%' || lower(c2.name) || '%'
or c1.lst like '%' || lower(c2.name) || '%'
or c1.nm like '%' || lower(c2.name) || '%';
by adding a search string('&str'
) to make the query more dynamic as you wish.
( when prompted enter Roger Federer for str
substitution variable )