I am trying to return a list of course IDs that contain three components: assignments, discussions, and a syllabus. I want my results to have only one row per course ID with either Y’s or N’s indicating whether those courses have assignments, discussions, and a syllabus. However, I am getting every unique combination of Y’s and N’s for a given course ID.
How do I return only one row per course ID?
select distinct cm.course_id as Course, case when exists (select 1 where gt.name ilike 'Assignment%') then 'Y' else 'N' end as are_there_assignments, case when exists (select 1 where gt.name ilike 'Discussion%') then 'Y' else 'N' end as are_there_discussions, case when exists (select 1 where ct.label ilike '%syllabus%' ) then 'Y' else 'N' end as is_there_a_syllabus from course_main cm left join course_course cc on cm.pk1 = cc.crsmain_pk1 inner join gradebook_main gm on cm.pk1 = gm.crsmain_pk1 inner join gradebook_type gt on gm.gradebook_type_pk1 = gt.pk1 inner join course_toc ct on cm.pk1 = ct.crsmain_pk1 where cc.crsmain_parent_pk1 is NULL and (cm.course_id ilike '%SPF-2020-C%' or cm.course_id ilike '%SPF-2020-S%' or cm.course_id ilike '%SP2-2020-C%' or cm.course_id ilike '%SP2-2020-S%' or cm.course_id ilike '%SP2-2020-A%' or cm.course_id ilike '%SPF-2020-A%') order by cm.course_id;
Here are my current results:
I think that you can do conditional aggregation. Starting from your existing query, that would look like:
select cm.course_id, max(case when gt.name ilike 'Assignment%' then 'Y' else 'N' end) are_there_assignments, max(case when gt.name ilike 'Discussion%' then 'Y' else 'N' end) are_there_discussions, max(case when ct.label ilike '%syllabus%' then 'Y' else 'N' end) is_there_a_syllabus from ... where ... group by cm.course_id order by cm.course_id