I have a procedure that returns multiple rows, but separately. Please take a look at its result:
I causes some issues when I want to fetch the result in the code (backend side). Now I want to create a temporary table and insert all rows inside it and then return that temp table as the result of the stored procedure. How can I do that inside procedure?
Not sure it above idea is a good idea .. that’s the only thing I can probably be useful to merge all rows all in one table as SP’s result.
Here is my current procedure:
DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`administrator`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `lending_ewallets_balance_in_merchant`(IN `user_id_param` BIGINT UNSIGNED, IN `business_id_param` INT UNSIGNED) NO SQL BEGIN DECLARE dossier_id INT; DECLARE query_string VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT ''; DECLARE cursor_List_isdone BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE user_dossiers CURSOR FOR Select ld.id, lwp.query_string FROM lending_users_dossiers ld JOIN lending_where_to_pays lwp ON ld.lending_where_to_pay_id = lwp.id WHERE user_id = user_id_param AND (ld.status = 'activated' OR ld.status = 'finished'); # 'finished' is for loans DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET cursor_List_isdone = TRUE; Open user_dossiers; loop_List: LOOP FETCH user_dossiers INTO dossier_id, query_string; IF cursor_List_isdone THEN LEAVE loop_List; END IF; SET @qry = CONCAT( "SELECT ld.id lending_dossier_id, ld.type, SUM(let.credit) balance FROM lending_users_dossiers ld JOIN lending_ewallet_transactions let ON ld.id = let.lending_dossier_id WHERE ld.id = ", dossier_id, " AND ", business_id_param, " IN(", query_string, ")", "GROUP BY ld.id, ld.type"); PREPARE stmt FROM @qry; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END LOOP loop_List; Close user_dossiers; END$$ DELIMITER ;
Noted that, the MySQL version I use is MySQL v8.0.20
The logic should be something like this. Outside the loop create a temp table if not exists and delete the data from it:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_dossiers_tmp (your columns); DELETE FROM user_dossiers_tmp;
In your loop:
INSERT INTO user_dossiers_tmp VALUES (your data);
After your loop:
SELECT * FROM user_dossiers_tmp; END$$