I have a stored procedure with a cursor inside for the logic which is taking long time for execution . I have changed to while loop for faster execution but Even while loop takes so long time for the below query . Please help me to change a while loop for faster execution . I have updated the description for better understanding .
BEGIN DECLARE @Modules TABLE ( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) , ListElid NVARCHAR(250) , ListType NVARCHAR(250) , orderArray NVARCHAR(250) , LeftTSMKEY NVARCHAR(250) ) declare @orderArray int, @LeftTSMKEY nvarchar(250), @ListElid nvarchar(250), @ListType nvarchar(250), @ListType_Prev nvarchar(250) set @ListType_Prev='' set @inc=0 INSERT INTO @Modules select ListElid, ListType,orderArray, LeftTSMKEY from QAT_ListElid order by ListType,orderArray DECLARE @Count INT, @Counter INT, @ListId NVARCHAR(250) --, @Listtype NVARCHAR(260), @orderArray NVARCHAR(260) , @LeftTSMKEY NVARCHAR(260) SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM @Modules m SET @Counter = 1 WHILE @Counter <= @Count BEGIN SELECT @ListId= ListElid, @Listtype = ListType , @orderArray = orderArray , @LeftTSMKEY = LeftTSMKEY FROM @Modules m WHERE ID = @Counter -- extracting values from the table by counternum if @ListType<>@ListType_Prev begin set @inc=0 set @ListType_Prev =@ListType end Else If @ListType=@ListType_Prev begin set @inc=@inc+1 End if @inc <> @orderArray begin INSERT [QAT_ListElid2] ([ListElid],[ListType],[orderArray],[LeftTSMKEY]) values (@ListElid,@ListType,@inc,@LeftTSMKEY+CAST(@inc as nvarchar(10))+']') End SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END end
Could be wrong, but looks like a “gaps and islands” problem.
We first check whether each row has the same
as the previous.Then we create a Group number for each new stretch of values.
Then we get a rownumber partitioned on this grouping.
WITH Previous AS ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN ListType = LAG(ListType) OVER (ORDER BY ID) THEN 1 END SamePrevious FROM QAT_ListElid ), Grouped AS ( SELECT *, COUNT(SamePrevious) OVER (ORDER BY ID ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) Grp ), Numbered AS ( SELECT *, ROWNUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Grp ORDER BY ID) - 1 rn ) INSERT [QAT_ListElid2] (ListElid, ListType, orderArray, LeftTSMKEY) select ListElid, ListType, rn, LeftTSMKEY + CAST(rn as nvarchar(10)) + ']' from Grouped WHERE orderArray <> rn