I have trigger and procedure. I want to be sure that string saved to database will have no ‘-‘ characters.
After executing
UPDATE interesant SET interesant_nip = '555-555-5555'
I get error
value is too long for varchar(10).
This suggests that ‘-‘ characters were not removed before insert-update.
Why is my trigger not being executed?
CREATE FUNCTION normalize_nip() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN -- replace '' to NULL IF (NEW.interesant_nip LIKE '') THEN NEW.interesant_nip := NULL; RETURN NEW; END IF; -- remove '-' from string NEW.interesant_nip := REPLACE(NEW.interesant_nip, '-', ''); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" CREATE TRIGGER interesant_nip_normalize BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.interesant FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE normalize_nip()
The updated or inserted value is always treated as type varchar(10)
– before and after the trigger function. So, you cannot handle the value because the input type does not fit the value even if the trigger function converts it into a valid one.
It works if you have an unbounded text type. There you can see that the trigger is executed:
So, the only chance to handle this, is, to normalize it before inserting or updating:
INSERT INTO interesant VALUES (normalize_nip('555-555-5555')); UPDATE interesant SET interesant_nip = normalize_nip('555-555-5555')