'ohlc': {'open': 22719.25, 'high': 22880.0, 'low': 22665.4, 'close': 22610.75}
The JSON output I need to insert into my database but my source code throws an error:
The source code:
import pymysql conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='', database='connect') insert_data_into_table = "insert into ticks(last_price,date,Volume,ins_token,ohlc) values(%(last_price)s,%(date)s,%(Volume)s," "%(ins_token)s, %(ohlc)s)" def insert_ticks(ticks): cursor = conn.cursor() for tick in ticks: cursor.execute(insert_data_into_table,{'last_price': tick['last_price'], 'date': tick['timestamp'], 'Volume': tick['volume'], 'ins_token': tick['instrument_token'], 'ohlc':tick['ohlc']}) try: conn.commit() except Exception: conn.rollback()
Can anyone help me with this, as I need to get values for open, close, high and low.
pymysql.err.ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''open': '22755.65', 'high': '22820', 'low': '22325.4', 'close': '22908.1'})' at line 1")
- you have 5 columns, hence 5 bind variables. Your insert template is over complicated
- with any database operations you should be working with batches not row by row. You really should use
execute many()
- I assume that ohlc is JSON, just need to convert it to a string
import mysql.connector import json from datetime import datetime conn = mysql.connector.connect(host="",user="sniffer",passwd="sniffer",database="sniffer") curr = conn.cursor() try: curr.execute("drop table ticks") except: pass curr.execute("create table ticks (last_price double, date datetime, Volume double, ins_token varchar(20), ohlc json)") ohlc = {'open': 22719.25, 'high': 22880.0, 'low': 22665.4, 'close': 22610.75} ticks = [{"last_price": 100.2, "timestamp":str(datetime.now()), "volume":30, "instrument_token":"APPL", "ohlc":ohlc}] ins = "insert into ticks(last_price,date,Volume,ins_token,ohlc) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" for tick in ticks: curr.execute(ins, (tick["last_price"], tick["timestamp"], tick["volume"], tick["instrument_token"], json.dumps(tick["ohlc"])) ) curr.execute("select * from ticks") curr.fetchall()
[(100.2, datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 11, 15, 51, 33), 30.0, 'APPL', b'{"open": 22719.25, "high": 22880.0, "low": 22665.4, "close": 22610.75}')]