I want to query the previous 8 quarters from today’s date.
Example: last quarter from today’s date = ‘2020-09-30’ and last 8 quarter from today’s date is ‘2018-10-01’.
I want the last 8 quarter previous (‘2018-10-01’) mark as Q1 in my query result instead of Q4 since it’s the 4th quarter of the year 2018. Q2 would be the next quarter which is from January-March 2019 and so on, so forth.
Is there a way to count it from the starting date to current date?
My current query:
SELECT name, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, FROM (SELECT distinct s.custId, sum(s.total) as total, CAST('Q'+ Cast(DATEPART(QUARTER, s.purchaseDate)AS VARCHAR(1)) AS VARCHAR(2)) AS Quarterly, c.name, FROM sales s LEFT OUTER JOIN customers c ON c.id = s.custId WHERE AND purchaseDate >= '2018-10-01' AND purchaseDate <= '2020-09-30' GROUP BY s.custId) AS data PIVOT ( SUM(total) FOR quarterly IN ([Q1], [Q2], [Q3], [Q4], [Q5], [Q6], [Q7], [Q8]) )AS pvt ORDER by name
I would just use conditional aggregation:
SELECT s.custId, c.name, SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(quarter, s.purchasedate, GETDATE()) = 8 THEN s.total END) as q1, SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(quarter, s.purchasedate, GETDATE()) = 7 THEN s.total END) as q2, . . . FROM sales s LEFT OUTER JOIN customers c ON c.id = s.custId AND WHERE purchaseDate >= '2018-10-01' AND purchaseDate <= '2020-09-30' GROUP BY s.custId, c.name;