I have an issue with table source like this:
Available month in table is only as is from column month, no April, May, June etc.
I need to create a view to create “Year to Date” table as shown here:
I need to view all months from Year 2020 January – December with value based on table source.
VALUE COLUMN filled by Source with same month, but because April not available from source, so it automatically gets set to 0 and others are same
For CUMULATIVE VALUE COLUMN filled by value Sum from last month value
I’ve tried using case when query but it not simple if I have to many Name and not dynamic
You can use next SQL construction:
WITH Calendar AS ( -- generate Year, Month table for each Name SELECT Year, Month, Name FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12)) AS Months(Month) CROSS JOIN (VALUES (2020)) AS years(Year) CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM Source) AS Names ) SELECT Calendar.Year, Calendar.Month, Calendar.Name, COALESCE(Source.Value, 0) AS Value, SUM(COALESCE(Source.Value, 0)) OVER(PARTITION BY Calendar.Name ORDER BY Calendar.Year, Calendar.Month) AS cumulativeSum FROM Calendar LEFT JOIN Source ON Source.Year = Calendar.Year AND Source.Month = Calendar.Month AND Source.Name = Calendar.Name ;
The query use CTE expression for generate calendar table and window function SUM over partition by name to calculate cumulative values