I have a below query which I run gives me the single count for previous week which is Week 43
. Current week is 44 as of now.
select count(distinct(clientid)) from data_holder left join name on name.client_id = data_holder.clientid where POC NOT IN ('SGH', 'IKU') and status IN ('NOTTAKEN') and (from <= '43' AND to >= '44')
As of now the output I see is this which is for Week 43-
Count ----- 124
Now I am trying to make this query dynamic such that it can give me count for past 6 weeks something like below as an output:
Count Week ------------ 124 W43 125 W42 126 W41 127 W40 128 W39 129 W38
I am able to convert above query in dynamic way which gives me the count for previous week which is 43 and it works fine but I am not sure how can I change it so that it can give me data for all past 6 weeks in the above output format.
select count(distinct(clientid)) from data_holder left join name on name.client_id = data_holder.clientid where POC NOT IN ('SGH', 'IKU') and status IN ('NOTTAKEN') and (from <= DATE_PART(w, CURRENT_DATE) -1 AND to >= DATE_PART(w, CURRENT_DATE))
I ran below query and I am not seeing any data coming from below query –
with data_holder as ( with tree_post as (Select contractid as conid, max(goldennmber) as goldennmber from zeus.user_keys_post group by contractid) Select * from tree_post join zeus.user_keys_post b on tree_post.conid = b.contractid and tree_post.goldennmber = b.goldennmber ), name as ( SELECT abc, client_id, services from dim.crom c1 where c1.ver = (SELECT MAX(ver) from dim.crom c2 where c1.client_id = c2.client_id) ) select from, count(distinct(clientid)) from data_holder left join name on name.client_id = data_holder.clientid where POC NOT IN ('SGH', 'IKU') and status IN ('NOTTAKEN') and from <= date_part(w, current_date - interval '6 weeks') and to >= date_part(w, current_date) group by from
Is this what you want?
Then, if you want one row per from
, you can use group by
. So:
select ??.from, count(distinct ??.clientid) cnt from data_holder dh left join name n on on n.client_id = dh.clientid where ??.poc not in ('SGH', 'IKU') and ??.status = 'NOTTAKEN' and ??.from <= date_part(w, current_date - interval '6 weeks') and ??.to >= date_part(w, current_date) group by ??.from
Note that I modified the query to use table aliases. I would also recommend prefixing each column with the table it belongs to, so the query is unambiguous about the underlying data structure: I had no clue, so I used ??
, which you need to replace with either dh
or n
I am also quite suspicious about the left join
. Is there a good reason why you don’t actually want an inner join