I Am coming to a problem where I am trying to convert my sql statement to do the same logic in cfml (cfscript>) so, I am trying to mimic this sql statement to display the results inside my cfscript. can somebody help me solve this issue? thanks for the help.
select * from myapp.GGG_myphone where department_name like (select distinct department_name from myapp.GGG_myphone where department_nbr like '#DEPT_FUND_NBR#' )
@Scott, I am assuming that:
Each row from your select query represents a JSON similar to the one you have shown. After all, the column names match the keys in the JSON.
You already have or intend to have a number of such JSONs stored, each as a file. I infer this from your file-read code. Let’s say the files are stored in a directory called ‘jsons’.
What you are looking for is ColdFusion code that will select the JSON files that match the criteria in your select query.
<cfscript> array function getJSONByDeptName(string departmentNbr) { var JsonFiles = arrayNew(1); var JsonFile = ""; var JsonData = {}; var collectionOfMatchingJsonData = arrayNew(1); var departmentNamesList = ""; /* Here, we assume the JSON files are stored in subdirectory 'jsons' within current directory*/ JsonFiles = directorylist(expandPath('jsons')); if (arrayLen(JsonFiles) gt 0) { for (var fileNumber=1; fileNumber lte arrayLen(JsonFiles); fileNumber=fileNumber+1) { /* Get each file in turn*/ JsonFile = fileRead(JsonFiles[fileNumber]); /*Read its JSON content. The result is an array containing one item of type struct*/ jsonData = deserializeJSON(JsonFile); /* Reminder: jsonData[1] is a struct. Check whether the departmentNbr key in the struct matches the input value of departmentNbr. If it does, add the jsonData to the list, avoiding duplicate values of departmentName */ if (jsonData[1].departmentNbr eq arguments.departmentNbr and ListFindNoCase(departmentNamesList, jsonData[1].departmentName) eq 0) { arrayAppend(collectionOfMatchingJsonData,jsonData) /* Add department name to list. */ departmentNamesList = listAppend(departmentNamesList, jsonData[1].departmentName); } } } return collectionOfMatchingJsonData; } // Test it, using departmentNbr '1982' writedump(getJSONByDeptName('1982')); </cfscript>