So I am currently using my account with username: ctxsys and a password
In this account I have table named archiv11
In another account named d5a11
with a password I have a table called fileLocation
and what I am trying to do to make a foreign key from my current account table to the location table.
create table archiv11(
id integer primary key,
fileName varchar2(50),
fileContent blob,
locationID integer,
CONSTRAINT archivFK FOREIGN KEY(locationID) REFERENCES d5a11.fileLocation(loc_ID)
I get the error the table fileLocation does not exsist.
Is this possible?
No problem; owner of the referenced table has to grant REFERENCE
to another user, which has to precede referenced table name with its owner.
Here’s an example: user MIKE
has a table whose ID
is to be referenced in SCOTT
‘s table
SQL> show user
SQL> create table mike_table (id number primary key);
Table created.
SQL> grant references on mike_table to scott;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect scott/tiger
SQL> create table scott_table (id number primary key,
2 id_mike number constraint fk_scmi references mike.mike_table(id)
3 );
Table created.