I have a custom json with several key-value pairs. I want to loop over the length of the array, and access each of their keys, and insert into the table. The problem I am facing is during loop the query is unable to access the value.
do $$ DECLARE DECLARE fname varchar; DECLARE lname varchar; DECLARE StartDate timestamp; DECLARE EndDate timestamp; DECLARE DateText varchar; DECLARE uniqueData jsonb = '[ { "fname": "PERFFBB", "lname": "PERFE59-AB1899A-A8CAE59-AB1899A-AB1899A-AB1899A-AB1899A-A8CAE59" }, { "fname": "PERFD34", "lname": "PERFCD5-232D322-BD88CD5-232D322-232D322-232D322-232D322-BD88CD5" }, ]'; begin for r in 1..(jsonb_array_length(uniqueData) - 1) loop fname = uniqueData[r].fname; lname = uniqueData[r].lname; -- this is giving a problem. It is unable to access the key. for z in 1..2 loop StartDate = current_date::timestamp - concat(z, ' day')::interval; EndDate = current_date::timestamp - concat(z - 1, ' day')::interval - interval '1 seconds'; DateText = ( to_char( 'now'::timestamp - concat(z, ' day')::interval, 'Mon DD, YYYY' ) ); INSERT INTO table ( col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 ) values ( fname, lname, StartDate, EndDate, DateText ); end loop; end loop; end; $$;
the loop over jsonb array will look like this
DECLARE var1 RECORD; ... FOR var1 IN SELECT * FROM jsonb_to_recordset(uniqueData) as x(fname text, lname text) LOOP -- var1 contains fname and lname fields fname = var1.fname; lname = var1.lname; ..... END LOOP;