I have below data table [CRA_feasibility_test]
atmid CRA monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday DA0068C1 ABC Y N Y N N Y
I want to select the data based on the weekday of my date.If it is Y then want to get closest ‘Y’ i.e the day when it will be Y from the @date.
And also i want to get next
I am doing the following
declare @date datetime set @date ='2018-06-15' Select @dateT as indentdate, DATENAME(dw,@dateT) as weekdayname, case when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='monday' then monday when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='tuesday' then tuesday when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='wednesday' then wednesday when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='Thursday' then thursday when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='Friday' then friday when DATENAME(dw,@dateT) ='Saturday' then saturday end feasible from [CRA_feasibility_test]
If I understand correctly, you can try to create a calendar table for next 7 day by cte recursive
, then use CROSS APPLY
with values
make unpivot to get Y
date which is the closest day.
declare @dateT datetime set @dateT ='2018-06-15' ;with calendar as ( select @dateT startDt,dateadd(day,7,@dateT) endDt, 1 rn union all select dateadd(day,1,startDt) , endDt,rn +1 from calendar WHERE dateadd(day,1,startDt)<endDt ), cte as ( select atmid,v.* from CRA_feasibility_test cross apply ( values ('monday',monday), ('tuesday',tuesday), ('wednesday',wednesday), ('thursday',thursday), ('friday',friday), ('saturday',saturday) ) v(name,flag) ) select atmid, @dateT today, min(case when flag = 'Y' then startDt end) nextYDay, datename(dw,min(case when flag = 'Y' then startDt end) ) nextYname from calendar t1 join cte t2 on datename(dw,startDt) = t2.name group by atmid
atmid today nextYDay nextYname DA0068C1 15/06/2018 00:00:00 16/06/2018 00:00:00 Saturday