I have two SQL queries that output the same kind of output and have the same grouping and order :
select date_trunc('month', inserted_at)::date as date, count(id) from payment_logs where payment_logs.event_name = 'subscription_created' group by date order by date desc;
select date_trunc('month', inserted_at)::date as date, count(id) from users group by date order by date desc;
I would like to join those two results based on the calculated date field (which is the month), and have a result with 3 columns : date, count_users and count_payment_logs.
How can I achieve that? Thanks.
Something like this
select plog.date as odata, usr.cntusr, plog.cntlog
from (
select date_trunc('month', inserted_at)::date as date, count(id) cntlog
from payment_logs
where payment_logs.event_name = 'subscription_created'
group by date order by date desc
) plog
join (
select date_trunc('month', inserted_at)::date as date, count(id) cntusr
from users
group by date
) usr on plog.data = usr.data
order by odata desc