I have two tables, players and lineup table with all players in the team
the lineup table have this columns
`match_id`, `goalkeeper`, `center_back`, `center_back_2`, `right_outside_back`, `left_outside_back`, `defensive_center_midfielder`, `center_midfielder`, `attacking_center_midfielder`, `right_winger`, `left_winger`, `center_forward`
and all of the columns have the ID of the one player in the players table
How to join all the columns here to the player table ?
something in line with this:
select match_id,
gk.player_name as goalkeeper,
c_back.player_name as center_back
from matches
left join players as gk on gk.id = matches.goalkeeper
left join players as c_back on c_back.id = matches.center_back
where match_id = x
basically a lot of left_joins.
If you redesing your database model and add table that will have columns: match_id, position_id, player_id things will be much simpler and database engine will be grateful to you.
then your SQL would look much simpler:
select positions.* from position_definition as positions
left join (select mp.*, players.player_name from match_players as mp left join players on mp.player_id = players.id where match_id = x)
as team on team.position_id = positions.id
(something like that, did not check for accuracy here) there is additional table added holding a list of all positions in a match.