How can I easily insert a blob into a varbinary(MAX)
As an example:
thing I want to insert is: c:picture.png
the table is mytable
the column is mypictureblob
the place is recid=1
You can insert into a varbinary(max) field using T-SQL within SQL Server Management Studio and in particular using the OPENROWSET commmand.
For example:
INSERT Production.ProductPhoto ( ThumbnailPhoto, ThumbnailPhotoFilePath, LargePhoto, LargePhotoFilePath ) SELECT ThumbnailPhoto.*, null, null, N'tricycle_pink.gif' FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'c:imagestricycle.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) ThumbnailPhoto
Take a look at the following documentation for a good example/walkthrough
Working With Large Value Types
Note that the file path in this case is relative to the targeted SQL server and not your client running this command.