I have a issue joining only one row from the second table
SELECT ART.*, EAN.* FROM ART,EAN WHERE ART.ARTNR = ean.unit_artnr AND ean.typ = 'LE4';
TABLE EAN has sometimes 2 entries and so i get my
doubled in the output.
i cant figure a way out to only include one row from EAN
i tried with group by but that does not do the trick because i need the * selects
sample data: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_11.2&fiddle=3f0a57795fdeb6745155a6e823643c40
now if i execute my statement it shows 2 times ART.ARTNR 1234556 and 2 times 23455 but this should not be the case each ARTNR should be shown once
select ART.*, EANC.* from ART inner join (select EAN.EAN_ID, EAN.EAN, EAN.UNIT_ARTNR, EAN.TYP, row_number() over (partition by EAN.UNIT_ARTNR order by EAN.EAN_ID) as "ROWNR" from EAN) EANC on ART.ARTNR = EANC.UNIT_ARTNR where EANC.ROWNR = 1
The partition-by was right from @Zaynul’s answer, but he used the wrong column to partition over.
In my example I order the rows of EAN
. If you want some other order, change it here.
The result in your example is (you can omit the ROWNR)
ARTNR EAN_ID EAN UNIT_ARTNR TYP ROWNR 23455 5 7771234568 23455 LE4 1 1234556 1 1234 1234556 LE4 1