User @psaraj12 helped me with a ticket here about finding ascii character in a string in my DB with the following code:
with test (col) as ( select 'L.A.D' from dual union all select 'L.ô.D.' from dual ) select col, case when max(ascii_of_one_character) >= 65535 then 'NOT OK' else 'OK' end result from ( select col, substr(col, column_value, 1) one_character, ascii( substr(col, column_value, 1) ) ascii_of_one_character from test cross join table( cast( multiset( select level from dual connect by level <= length(col) ) as sys.odcinumberlist ) ) ) group by col having max(ascii_of_one_character) >= 4000000000;
The script looks for characters of a certain range GROUP
s them and marks displays them.
Is it possible to include this in a REPLACE statement of a similar sort:
REPLACE(table.column, max(ascii_of_one_character) >= 4000000000, '')
EDIT: As per @flyaround answer this is the code I use changed a little bit:
with test (col) as ( select skunden.name1 from skunden ) select col , REGEXP_REPLACE(col, 'max(ascii_of_one_character)>=4000000000', '') as cleaned , CASE WHEN REGEXP_COUNT(col, 'max(ascii_of_one_character)>=4000000000') > 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as isOk from test;
Coming back to your original code, because my suggested REGEX_REPLACE is not working sufficient with high surrogates. Your approach is already very effective, so I jumped into it to have a solution here.
MERGE INTO skunden USING ( select id as innerId, name as innerName, case when max(ascii_of_one_character) >= 65535 then 0 else 1 end isOk, listagg(case when ascii_of_one_character <65535 then one_character end , '') within group (order by rn) as cleaned from ( select id, name, substr(name, column_value, 1) one_character, ascii( substr(name, column_value, 1) ) ascii_of_one_character , rownum as rn from skunden cross join table( cast( multiset( select level from dual connect by level <= length(name) ) as sys.odcinumberlist ) ) ) group by id, name having max(ascii_of_one_character) >= 4000000000 ) ON ( = innerId) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET name = cleaned ;
On MERGE you can’t use the referencing column for an update. Therefore you should use the unique key (I used ‘id’ in my example) of your table.
The resulting value will be ‘L..D’ for your example value of ‘L.ô.D.’