I want to understand how the like button is actually implemented in a Web App (the database table part).
How to create a table structure for a like and share button?
Post can have share count and like count.
What about who shared and who liked entries?
Is this possible with a relational database or do I need another database type?
You would typically create two bridge tables to represent the like and share relationships between users and posts.
Sample ddl:
create table posts (
post_id int primary key,
-- more columns here: post date, title, content
create table users (
user_id int primary key,
-- more columns here: user name,
create table user_likes_post (
post_id int,
user_id int,
-- more columns here: date when the user liked the post,
primary key(post_id, user_id)
create table user_shares_post (
post_id int,
user_id int,
-- more columns here: date when the user shared the post,
primary key(post_id, user_id)
Every time a users likes a post, a new record is created in the user_likes_post
table; sames goes when a user shares a post with table user_shares_post
Now, say that you want to know how many users liked each post, you can do:
(select count(*) from user_likes_post ulp where ulp.post_id = p.post_id) no_likes
from posts p