I have a table which has a column with JSON data. Every JSON object in each column has many properties. I have another table which has property name not all but few.
What I need to do is to write a query to select JSON data from table but JSON should not contain properties which are there in the second table. For example, below is the jSON table.
Id Person 1 {FirstName:"test", LastName: "test", Email: "test@test.abc"} 2 {FirstName:"syx", LastName: "ave", Email: "yyeyd@test.abc"}
Second table with properties name:
ExclusionId ExcludedProperty 1 Email
Query should join these two table and output should be
Id Person 1 {FirstName:"test", LastName: "test"} 2 {FirstName:"syx", LastName: "ave"}
This is a fully generic approach with no need for dynamic SQL:
--a mockup to simulate your issue --credits to John Cappelletti for the mockup-code DECLARE @YourTable TABLE (Id INT,Person NVARCHAR(500)) INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,'{"FirstName":"test", "LastName": "test", "Email": "test@test.abc"}') ,(2,'{"FirstName":"syx", "LastName": "ave", "Email": "yyeyd@test.abc"}'); DECLARE @ExcludeProperties TABLE (Id INT,PropName VARCHAR(500)) INSERT INTO @ExcludeProperties VALUES (1,'Email');
–The query
WITH cte AS ( SELECT t.Id ,JsonValues.[key] AS PropName ,JsonValues.[value] AS PropValue FROM @YourTable t CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(t.Person) jsonValues WHERE JsonValues.[key] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT IN(SELECT excl.PropName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS FROm @ExcludeProperties excl) ) SELECT cte.Id ,CONCAT('{', STUFF(( SELECT CONCAT(',"',cte2.PropName,'":"',cte2.PropValue,'"') FROM cte cte2 WHERE cte2.Id=cte.Id FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') ,'}') FROM cte GROUP BY cte.Id;
The idea in short:
First we use a CTE to create a list of all properties within your JSON as EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value). With this its easy to get rid of all the attributes, where the name is found in your exclude table.
As we are not allowed to use a column’s value as the output column’s alias we can build the JSON with string-methods instead of a FOR JSON
First I use a GROUP BY
to reduce the final output to one-row-per-Id, and the I use a correlated sub-query to build the JSON per Id from the corresponding EAVs.