finish_position official_rating date Difference 11 NULL 2013-09-18 0.00 4 NULL 2013-11-08 0.00 3 NULL 2014-02-27 0.00 6 65 2014-04-24 0.00 13 63 2014-05-05 0.00 1 59 2014-07-04 0.00 2 65 2014-08-04 (59-65)= -6.00 12 68 2014-10-28 (59-68)= -9.00 9 62 2014-12-09 (59-62)= -3.00 5 65 2015-01-08 (59-65)= -6.00 7 60 2015-01-29 (59-60)= -1.00 11 65 2015-04-08 (59-65)= -6.00 5 63 2015-04-22 (59-63)= -4.00 1 60 2015-07-14 0.00 9 60 2015-08-04 (60-60)= 0.00 8 56 2016-01-22 (60-56)= 4.00 4 52 2016-02-26 (60-52)= 8.00 7 50 2016-03-31 (60-50)= 10.00 8 48 2016-04-25 (60-48)= 12.00 4 56 2016-07-12 (60-56)= 4.00 8 47 2016-09-23 (60-47)= 13.00 9 52 2017-06-20 (60-52)= 8.00 1 50 2017-07-04 0.00 3 55 2017-07-20 (50-55)= -5.00 3 48 2017-07-29 (50-48)= 2.00
I have above two columns(finish_position, official_rating). I want get the above values for the difference column. Whenever finish_position is 1 then difference is 0. All above rows differences are 0 until this row (first row from top to bottom that finish_position is equal to 1) You can get the idea from the above table. I need to get the difference between each rows official_rating between the finish_positions are equal to 1. I hope you guys are understand the problem and please help me to do this.
I want the SQL code.
I have imagined to do it like this and I will try to explain.
Please note that my date column is named datec and table is called test
First I have selected selected first part of the result where I will not calculate any difference (until first number 1 appeared). I did it with this query:
select finish_position, official_rating, datec, 0.00 as difference from test where datec <= (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1
Then I have selected the second part of the table, where I will calculate the difference and mark it as null because i will calculate the difference in the outer query. The second part is selected with this query:
select finish_position, official_rating, datec, null as difference from test where datec > (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1)
And finally I have made an union of this two results and wrote a query on it:
select finish_position,official_rating, datec , case when difference = 0.00 then difference else official_rating - lag(official_rating) over(order by datec) end difference_1 from ( select finish_position, official_rating, datec, 0.00 as difference from test where datec <= (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1) union select finish_position, official_rating, datec, null as difference from test where datec > (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1)) t1 order by datec;
Finally I have created a small demo for you (I did not entered whole data but…). Take a look…
After some more discussion with OP I have finally finished with this code:
select finish_position,official_rating, datec , case when finish_position = 1 then 0.00 when t1.datec >= (select tt.datec from test tt where DATEDIFF(tt.datec, t1.datec) in (select max(datediff(ttt.datec, t1.datec)) from test ttt where finish_position = 1 and ttt.datec <= t1.datec)) then (select t.official_rating from test t where datediff(t.datec, t1.datec) in (select max(datediff(ttt.datec, t1.datec)) from test ttt where finish_position = 1 and ttt.datec <= t1.datec)) - t1.official_rating end difference from ( select finish_position, official_rating, datec , case when finish_position = 1 then null else 0.00 end as difference from test where datec <= (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1) union select finish_position, official_rating, datec, null as difference from test where datec > (select min(datec) from test where finish_position = 1)) t1 order by datec;