I had two similar fields namely total_weight that is in my phyto table and weight that is in my phyto_species table shown below
public function up()
Schema::create('phytos', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function up()
Schema::create('phyto_species', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->double('weight', 8,2);
I have been trying to sum weight using array_sum() as total weight and then assign it to ‘total_weight’ => $totalweight] shown below however when I save the error says Undefined variable: totalweight. I would like to request for assistance please
public function store(CreatePhytoRequest $request)
$phyto = $this->phytoRepository->create(
['customer_name' => $request->customer_name,
'phyto_number' => $request->phyto_number,
'date_send' => $request->date_send,
'total_weight' => $totalweight]
$species = $request->input('species_id', []);
$weight = $request->input('weight', []);
$destination = $request->input('destination_id', []);
$preservation = $request->input('preservation_id', []);
for ($i=0; $i < count($species); $i++) {
if ($species[$i] != '') {
$phyto->species()->attach($species[$i], ['weight' => $weight[$i],'destination_id' => $destination[$i],'preservation_id' => $preservation[$i]]);
//array_sum work fine
$totalweight = array_sum($weight);
Flash::success('Phyto saved successfully.');
return redirect(route('consignment.phytos.index'));
declare the variable
$totalweight = array_sum($weight);
before you call it. Your code should be something like:
public function store(CreatePhytoRequest $request) {
//Get everything from requests
$weight = $request->input('weight', []);
// Declare needed variables
$totalweight = array_sum($weight);
$phyto = $this->phytoRepository->create(
['customer_name' => $request->customer_name,
'phyto_number' => $request->phyto_number,
'date_send' => $request->date_send,
'total_weight' => $totalweight]);
// and so one