I have three tables:
Table USER id name email
Table CAMPUS id user_id (foreign key) name
Table POST id title user_id (foreign key)
A User belongs to a Campus, and a Post belong to a User. I want to write a query to fetch posts inner join with user inner join with campus.
The result i get:
[{ id username campus name title ... }]
Everything is in a single object. Instead, I want nested objects like this:
[{ post_title: post_id: ... User: {id name... } campus:{id name ...} }]
This way, User and Campus are inherited in the post according to foreign keys. How can i achieve it with raw sql? Should I have to parse it later?
You can use join and use json functions to generate the result that you expect.
Your question is not very accurate about the table structures, but this should look like:
select json_object( 'id', p.id 'title', p.title 'user', json_object('id', u.id, 'name', u.name), 'campus', json_object('id', c.id, 'name', c.name) ) post_object from posts p inner join users u on u.id = p.user_id inner join campus c on c.user_id = u.id
This gives you a resultset with a single column and one record per post as a json object that contains nested objects that represent the user and the campus.
If you want a result with a single row and all rows stuffed in a json array, you can use json_arrayagg()
on top of this:
select json_arrayagg( json_object( 'id', p.id 'title', p.title 'user', json_object('id', u.id, 'name', u.name), 'campus', json_object('id', c.id, 'name', c.name) ) ) all_posts_objects from posts p inner join users u on u.id = p.user_id inner join campus c on c.user_id = u.id