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How to get row count based on other column groups

I need to count the number of dates with which the invoices are made to certain customers in each month

Consider the table named Table1

Branch  Month  Date     Amount
 B1     April  01/04/20  10000
 B1     April  14/04/20  13000
 B1     May    01/05/20  25000
 B1     May    14/05/20  23000

I tried the folllowing code

    Branch, Month, Date, Amount,
    Row_Number() over (partition by Branch order by Month) as rowcount 
from table1

and the result was

Branch  Month  Date      Amount   rowcount
 B1     April  01/04/20  10000      1
 B1     April  14/04/20  13000      2
 B1     May    01/05/20  25000      3
 B1     May    14/05/20  23000      4

The result I need should count the column named branch based on column month, the desired result is

Branch  Month  Date      Amount   rowcount
 B1     April  01/04/20  10000     1
 B1     April  14/04/20  13000     2
 B1     May    01/05/20  25000     1
 B1     May    14/05/20  23000     2

Here rowcount is based on both column branch and Month, how can I get this result?



You need to partition by month. Something like this:

row_number() over (partition by Branch, month order by Month)

Note that month is repeated. An order by is needed in SQL Server, so you need something. Other options are:

row_number() over (partition by Branch, month order by (select null))
row_number() over (partition by Branch, month order by date)

I suspect the last is what you really want.

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