I’ve stored procedure like this:
create procedure sp_testsp ( @vc_order_by varchar(100), @int_start_index INT, @int_grid_size INT, @count bigint output ) as begin select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by case @vc_order_by = '' then tab1.int_id end desc) AS row, *, COUNT(tab1.int_id) OVER() as totalRowCount from (select * from tbl_test) tab1) tab2 where row BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, @int_start_index) and CONVERT(VARCHAR,(@int_start_index-1) + @int_grid_size); set @count = 0; end
We can execute the above stored procedure by:
DECLARE @size bigint; EXEC sp_testsp '', 1,5, @size output; SELECT @size;
The written sp provides data based on pagination and we can retrieve 100 or any number of records by passing a number in @int_grid_size .
The table output looks like following:
row int_id vc_name totalRowCount 1 5 a 107 2 6 ab 107 3 7 abc 107 4 8 abcd 107 5 10 abcc 107
The last column gives the total records count of the table or total record if we use where condition.
I want to OUTPUT any one column value of the totalRowCount in ‘@count’ in the stored procedure.
I cannot use @@ROWCOUNT as it only sends the count of records the sp is outputting i.e in this case 5 but actual records are 107.
Just wondering if there is any way. Any help is apperciated. Thanks.
I tried something like this, and it works:
create procedure sp_testsp @param1 nvarchar(800), @count bigint output as begin select * from tbl_test tt where tt.col1 = @param1; set @count = select Count(*) from tbl_test tt where tt.col1 = @param1; end
The issue with this is I’ve to call the query once and then call the query again for @count. This is working but taking lot of time for big queries.
You can do that by temp table
select * into #temp from (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by case @vc_order_by = '' then tab1.int_id end desc) AS row, *, COUNT(tab1.int_id) OVER() as totalRowCount from (select * from tbl_test) tab1) tab2 where row BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR, @int_start_index) and CONVERT(VARCHAR,(@int_start_index-1) + @int_grid_size); select top 1 @count=totalRowCount from #temp select * from #temp --you can exclude totalRowCount