I am trying to get old value from variable in PL/SQL for loop.
For instance:
I have l_sequnce variable with increment of 10.
for x in (select name from test_names order by position) loop -- print l_sequnce variable -- when name is already was in loop then write same value from l_sequence as for first one end loop;
I hope I described the problem well 🙂
in the SELECT
statement and then you only need to check if the value has changed between the previous and current values:
DECLARE v_name TEST_NAMES.NAME%TYPE := NULL; l_sequence PLS_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR x IN (select name from test_names ORDER BY name) LOOP IF x.name <> v_name OR (x.name IS NULL AND v_name IS NOT NULL) OR (x.name IS NOT NULL AND v_name IS NULL) OR l_sequence = 0 THEN l_sequence := l_sequence + 10; v_name := x.name; END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(l_sequence || ': ' || x.name); END LOOP; END; /
Or, don’t use PL/SQL and do it all in an SQL statement using the DENSE_RANK
analytic function:
SELECT name, 10 * DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY name) AS seq_value FROM test_names ORDER BY name; -- or whatever other column you want to order by.
If you want to do it entirely in PL/SQL and cannot use ORDER BY
then use an associative array:
DECLARE TYPE t_name_seq_map IS TABLE OF PLS_INTEGER INDEX BY VARCHAR2(30); v_names t_name_seq_map; l_sequence PLS_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR x IN (SELECT name FROM test_names ORDER BY position) LOOP IF NOT v_names.EXISTS(x.name) THEN l_sequence := l_sequence + 10; v_names(x.name) := l_sequence; END IF; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_names(x.name) || ': ' || x.name); END LOOP; END; /
BEGIN FOR x IN ( SELECT name, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY name) AS l_sequence FROM test_names ORDER BY position ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(x.l_sequence || ': ' || x.name); END LOOP; END; /