I have an orders table
Order_id User_id Order_date 1 32 2020-07-19 2 24 2020-07-21 3 27 2020-07-27 4 24 2020-08-14 5 32 2020-08-18 6 32 2020-08-19 7 58 2020-08-20
Now I want to find how many of the users ordered in 1st month also ordered in the next month. In this case, user_id’s 32,24,27 ordered in 7th month but only 24 and 32 ordered in the next month.
I want the result to be like :
Date Retained_Users Total_users 2020-07 Null 3 2020-08 2 3
I’m lost here. Can someone please help me with this?
In MySQL 8.0, you can do this with window functions:
select order_month, count(distinct case when cnt_orders_last_month > 0 then user_id end) retained_users, count(distinct user_id) total_users from ( select user_id, date_format(order_date, '%Y-%m-01') as order_month, count(*) over( partition by user_id order by date(date_format(order_date, '%Y-%m-01')) range between interval 1 month preceding and interval 1 day preceding ) cnt_orders_last_month from mytable ) t group by order_month
The logic lies in the range specification of the window function; it orders record by month, and counts how many orders the customer placed last month. Then all that is left to do is aggregate and count distinct users.