How to get the absolute difference between the median house price for tat month in that municipality and the median house price for the next month in that municipality? I have a table with house data. it contains the price and municipality for each house and date it got sold. I want to get the difference of the median price for a municipality of a month and median price of the house for municipality of the next month. Already created the median function. This is my query at the moment:
select gemeentenaam as municipality,
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening) as month, median(koopprijs) as median_price_previous_month,
LEAD(median(koopprijs)) OVER(PARTITION BY gemeentenaam) AS median_price_next_month,
ABS((LEAD(median(koopprijs)) OVER(PARTITION BY gemeentenaam))-(median(koopprijs))) AS difference
from funda
inner join postcode on funda.postcode = postcode.postcode
inner join gemeente on postcode.gemeente = gemeente.gemcode
WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening) <> 12
group by (gemeentenaam, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening), koopprijs);
sample data:
globalid | postcode | koopprijs | datum_ondertekening
4606495 | 4701CV | 595000 | 2019-03-01
4607492 | 5252AV | 329000 | 2019-01-11
4562176 | 3454VC | 292500 | 2019-08-26
4562213 | 3454VC | 337500 | 2019-01-25
4557050 | 3774BM | 439000 | 2019-03-08
postcode | gemeente
1231SW | 1696
1723MX | 416
2111XN | 377
3648HN | 736
4053JP | 1740
gemcode | gemeentenaam
3 | Appingedam
10 | Delfzijl
14 | Groningen
24 | Loppersum
34 | Almere
expected result:
municipality | month | median_price_previous_month | median_price_next_month | difference
's-Gravenhage | 1 | 100000.000000000000 | 105000.000000000000 | 5000.000000000000
's-Gravenhage | 2 | 105000.000000000000 | 110000.000000000000 | 5000.000000000000
's-Gravenhage | 3 | 110000.000000000000 | 115000.000000000000 | 5000.000000000000
's-Gravenhage | 4 | 115000.000000000000 | 119000.000000000000 | 4000.000000000000
's-Gravenhage | 5 | 119000.000000000000 | 119500.000000000000 | 500.000000000000
I think I found it myself.
select gemeentenaam as municipality, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening) as month, median(koopprijs) as
media_price_next_month, LAG(median(koopprijs)) OVER(PARTITION BY gemeentenaam) AS median_price_previous_month,
ABS(median(koopprijs)-(LAG(median(koopprijs)) OVER(PARTITION BY gemeentenaam))) AS absolute_difference
from funda
inner join postcode on funda.postcode = postcode.postcode
inner join gemeente on postcode.gemeente = gemeente.gemcode WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening) <> 1
group by (gemeentenaam, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM datum_ondertekening));```