I’m trying to find contact_numbers in a financial table who have given over 5000 in any 5 year period since 01/01/2011. I’m going around in circles.
This is what I have but it’s calculating everything from 2011. Any help would be great!
select t1.contact_number,
sum(Amount) as amount
from batch_transactions t1
inner join contacts c on c.contact_number = t1.contact_number
cross apply (
select sum(amount) Rolling_sum
from batch_transactions
where contact_number = t1.contact_number
and datediff(year, transaction_date, t1.transaction_date) <= 5
and transaction_date >= '2011-01-01' and contact_type <> 'O'
and t1.transaction_date >= transaction_date
) o where t1.transaction_date >= '2011-01-01' and contact_type <> 'O'
and datediff(year, transaction_date, t1.transaction_date) <= 5
group by t1.contact_number
having sum(amount) > 5000
order by contact_number
I think you want this structured as:
select c.contact_number, bt2.rolling_sum
from contacts c join
batch_transctions bt
on cross apply
(select sum(bt2.amount) as Rolling_sum
from batch_transactions bt2
where bt2.contact_number = c.contact_number and
bt2.transaction_date >= bt.transaction_date and
bt2.transaction_date < dateadd(year, 5, bt.transaction_date)
) bt2
where bt2.rolling_sum > 5000;