I’m running a query:
SELECT parent_company_component_id ,company_component_id ,name ,valid_cpy_compnt_type_cs_name FROM dbo.cs_company_component WHERE company_component_id IN (10217,7726,3109)
Which returns the following results:
I just so happen to know these IDs and am using them for this example.
How can I return results like this across the board grouping together linked companies, until I get to the ‘MAIN’ company.
There are going to be several other companies where I don’t know the IDs I want to be able to basically group these results together so I can keep getting the MAIN company return with it’s parent child association.
I’ve just managed to get my CTE working
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT parent_company_component_id ,company_component_id ,name ,valid_cpy_compnt_type_cs_name ,1 AS level FROM dbo.cs_company_component WHERE parent_company_component_id IS NULL --AND valid_cpy_compnt_type_cs_name = 'MAIN' UNION ALL SELECT X.parent_company_component_ID, X.company_component_id, x.name, x.valid_cpy_compnt_type_cs_name, CTE.level+1 as Level FROM CTE JOIN cs_company_component AS X ON X.parent_company_component_id = CTE.company_component_id --AND X.valid_cpy_compnt_type_cs_name = 'MAIN' ) SELECT * FROM CTE ORDER BY Level ASC