I have a query to show total orders by month based on a date column. May I know how to append year to the Month column?
select DATENAME(MONTH,DATEADD(MONTH, MONTH(<column>) - 1, 0)) AS Month, count(*) AS Total_Request from <table> group by month(<column>)
I would just aggregate directly by the year and month, as a single text field:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(7), <column>, 120) AS Year-Month, COUNT(*) AS Total_Request FROM <table> GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(7), <column>, 120);
If you really want the year and three letter abbreviation for the month, you may try:
SELECT YEAR(<column>) AS Year, LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, <column>), 3) AS Month, COUNT(*) AS Total_Request FROM <table> GROUP BY YEAR(<column>), LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, <column>), 3);