Let’s say I used the following structure to create a table:
CREATE TABLE staff ( sid INT AUTO_INCREMENT, sfname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, slname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, uid int UNIQUE, bid int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sid), FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES sajilo_user(uid), FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES branch(bid) );
Now I want to add DELETE CASCADE for the foreign key and I found that I can achieve it by dropping the column(column with foreign key) and adding it again with DELETE CASCADE property on alter table statement.
But when I tried:
ALTER TABLE staff DROP column uid; I got error: #1553 - Cannot drop index 'u_user': needed in a foreign key constraint.
So I need to remove foreign key constraint first with:
ALTER TABLE staff DROP FOREIGN KEY foreign_key_constraint_name;
As you saw above table was created without giving the name for constraint. I am having trouble to drop it. So what should be done ? I need the way of dropping the column along with foreign key constraint:)
Finally, I found the solution, We can use information_schema to retrieve the name of a foreign key and can use the name event constraint name is not set explicitly as shown above.
As of MySQL docs: INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.
For more information visit: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/information-schema.html
So we can do something like:
Where INNODB denotes a storage engine, for more information visit: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/storage-engines.html
After executing the query we can get the result something like:
ID FOR_COL_NAME REF_COL_NAME POS ---------------------------------- ------------ ------------ -------- acdb/takes_ibfk_1 sid sid 0 acdb/takes_ibfk_2 cid cid 0 sajilo_courier/admin_branch_ibfk_1 aid aid 0 sajilo_courier/admin_branch_ibfk_2 bid bid 0 sajilo_courier/admin_ibfk_1 uid uid 0 sajilo_courier/admin_staff_ibfk_1 aid aid 0 sajilo_courier/admin_staff_ibfk_2 sid sid 0 sajilo_courier/staff_ibfk_1 uid uid 0
As we can see in the ID contains the name of database/foreign key name so finally we can do something like
ALTER TABLE staff DROP FOREIGN KEY staff_ibfk_1 ;
From last row and finally we can drop the column easily 🙂