I am completely lost on how to approach the problem I am having. I am trying to generate a boolean statement from one table and insert it into another table’s column. I am able to generate the boolean statement and create a new column as shown with the code and output below:
SELECT date_price, stock_id, (adj_close_price>ub1_50_d) as d20_l_d50 FROM bollinger_bands LIMIT 100;
This is what I have so far:
INSERT INTO decisions (stock_id, date_price, created_date, last_updated_date, d20_l_d50) VALUES ( , , now(), now(), (SELECT adj_close_price > ub1_50_d as d20_l_d50 FROM bollinger_bands) );
I am stuck on how to insert the boolean output into another table’s column. Two columns I am particularly unclear on are: the date column and the stock_id column. I don’t even know if I am on the right path at this point and what to look for. Any assistance and suggestions are appreciated.
Get rid of the values
INSERT INTO decisions (stock_id,date_price,created_date, last_updated_date, d20_l_d50) select date_price, stock_id, now(), now(), adj_close_price > ub1_50_d FROM bollinger_bands;