I have the following query:
SELECT Id, EmailDomain, COUNT(Users) AS UserCount FROM Table_Moragn GROUP BY Id, EmailDomain
Which returns the following results:
Id | EmailDomain | UserCount |
1 | @yahoo.com | 1 |
1 | @gmail.com | 4 |
2 | @hotmail.com | 1 |
3 | @aol.com | 1 |
3 | @comcast.com | 1 |
I need the Ids and the Email Domains for a later query, but I don’t want multiple email domains. So I want my results to look like this:
Id | EmailDomain | UserCount |
1 | @gmail.com | 4 |
2 | @hotmail.com | 1 |
Original I thought to do a Max Count either through a subquery or having by
SELECT Id, EmailDomain, COUNT(Users) AS UserCount FROM Table_Morgan GROUP BY Id, EmailDomain HAVING COUNT(Users) = (SELECT MAX(UserCount) FROM (EmailDomain, COUNT(Users) as UserCount FROM Table_Morgan GROUP BY EmailDomain) AS T)
but I get an error
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS
Or says it can’t return multiple results with an =.
A problem I see with this in cases like ID 3, where the count is the same number.
I tried adding LIMIT at the end of my query but SQL doesn’t like it.
Use Dense_Rank()
windowed function to display tied rank as well.
SELECT -- main result * FROM (SELECT -- ranking here *, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Id ORDER BY UserCount DESC, EmailDomain) rnk FROM (SELECT -- group count here Id, EmailDomain, COUNT(Users) AS UserCount FROM Table_Moragn GROUP BY Id, EmailDomain) x) y WHERE y.rnk = 1