I would appreciate your help very much as I’m still at beginner level in SQL. Thank you 🙂
I have tables representing counties, vendors and their respective sales of stationery products. I have to display only the counties where the sum of all sales exceeds 100 without counting vendor 2 (Randall). For these counties I need county name, vendor name and sales.
These are my tables (shortened):
county_key | county_name |
1 | Custer |
2 | Kimball |
3 | Douglas |
4 | Lancaster |
vendor_key | vendor_name |
1 | Highsmith |
2 | Randall |
3 | Jackson |
4 | Herford |
county_key | vendor_key | sales |
1 | 1 | 50 |
1 | 2 | 70 |
2 | 2 | 20 |
2 | 3 | 30 |
2 | 4 | 80 |
3 | 1 | 50 |
3 | 4 | 20 |
4 | 1 | 10 |
4 | 2 | 30 |
4 | 3 | 90 |
4 | 4 | 20 |
So in this case only counties 2 and 4 should be displayed (because county 1 sales are above 100 in total, but only with the contribution of vendor 2 Randall which should not be part; county 3 sales are below 100 anyway). Therefore, the result should be as follows:
county_name | vendor_name | sales_wo_randall |
Kimball | Jackson | 30 |
Kimball | Herford | 80 |
Lancaster | Highsmith | 30 |
Lancaster | Jackson | 90 |
Lancaster | Herford | 20 |
I worked out this code, but I didn’t manage to include the sales > 100 condition:
WITH sales_wo_randall AS (
SELECT county_key FROM Counties GROUP BY county_key HAVING SUM(sales) > 100
SELECT co.county_name, ve.vendor_name, sa.sales
FROM Sales sa
JOIN Counties co
ON co.county_key = sa.county_key
JOIN Vendors ve
ON ve.vendor_key = sa.vendor_key
WHERE sa.date = '2022-01-01'
AND ve.vendor_name <> 'Randall'
GROUP BY co.county_name, ve.vendor_name, sa.sales
ORDER BY co.county_name
2nd try:
I tried to manage to include the sales > 100 condition, but then, I am not able to include my desired columns county_name and vendor_name as they would need to be included in GROUP BY
clause which in turn unfortunately leads to getting just certain rows with sales > 100, not as a sum … Here is the “correct” query but without my desired columns, as I stated:
Sales sa
WHERE sa.date = '2022-01-01' AND sa.vendor_key <> '2'
HAVING SUM(sa.sales) > 100
Thank you in advance!
Finally, I managed it 🙂
Here is my answer if anybody has to struggle with the same problem:
WITH sales_wo_randall_greater_100 AS
Sales sa
WHERE sa.date = '2022-01-01' AND sa.vendor_key <> '2'
HAVING SUM(sa.sales) > 100)
SELECT co.county_name, ve.vendor_name, sa.sales
FROM Sales sa
JOIN Counties co
ON co.county_key = sa.county_key
JOIN Vendors ve
ON ve.vendor_key = sa.vendor_key
WHERE sa.date = '2022-01-01'
AND ve.vendor_name <> 'Randall'
AND co.county_key IN (SELECT county_key FROM sales_wo_randall_greater_100)
GROUP BY co.county_name, ve.vendor_name, sa.sales
ORDER BY co.county_name