I have a record of users’ purchasing behavior. However, it is long and includes a lot of redundant data. I want to delete orders that purchased and deleted within 5 min
My query so far: –TABLE 3 COD
select z.user_id,
sum(z.debit) over (partition by z.seller_id order by z.created_at) -
sum(z.credit) over (partition by z.seller_id order by z.created_at)
as balance
from table_1 z
left join
table_2 x
on z.seller_id = x.uid
order by seller_id, created_at
For simplicity, i got this result
user actions credit debit balance date
1 do_action_A 5000 0 5000 2020-01-01 1:00:00 #no need these 2
1 cancel_A 0 5000 0 2020-01-01 1:03:00 #in result
1 do_action_A 5000 0 5000 2020-01-01 1:10:00
1 do_action_b 3000 0 8000 2020-01-01 1:20:00
1 do_action_c 0 7000 1000 2020-01-01 1:30:00
2 do_action_A 5000 0 5000 2020-01-01 1:00:00
2 do_action_B 3000 0 8000 2020-01-01 1:10:00
We know that users can only cancel their orders within 5 minutes, unfortunately, there is a lot of cancels. I need to make this data table simple and short so as to track and visualize it easily.
Here is my expectataion:
user actions credit debit balance date
1 do_action_A 5000 0 5000 2020-01-01 1:10:00
1 do_action_b 3000 0 8000 2020-01-01 1:20:00
1 do_action_c 0 7000 1000 2020-01-01 1:30:00
2 do_action_A 5000 0 5000 2020-01-01 1:00:00
2 do_action_B 3000 0 8000 2020-01-01 1:10:00
You can try using lead()
select * from
select z.user_id,z.date,z.actions,x.name,
x.email,x.address,debtit, credit, balance,
lead(z.actions) over(parition by z.user_id order by z.created_at) as next_action
from table_1 z left join table_2 x
on z.seller_id = x.uid
)A where next_action not like '%cancel%' and actions not like '%cancel%'