I am trying to create a function that tells whether data exist in database or not. Trying to solve this using cursor if data exist then data will be fetched from database and value of temp will be TRUE
otherwise data would not be fetched from DB and it will set value of temp to false
But when I compile this function it gives warning that
Warning: Function created with compilation errors.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CHECK_DATA(Eid IN varchar2(5)) RETURN boolean IS cursor cemp is select EMPNO from employee where EMPNO = Eid ; eno employee.EMPNO%TYPE ; temp number; BEGIN open cemp ; fetch cemp into eno ; if(cemp%notfound)then temp := FALSE ; else temp := TRUE ; End if ; close cemp ; return temp ; END; /
I recommended to use an implicit cursor and don’t bother for open/closed;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CHECK_DATA(Eid IN varchar2(5)) RETURN boolean IS n number; BEGIN select count(*) into n from employee where EMPNO = Eid ; if (n > 0) then return true; else return false; end if; END; /