I have a simple table I’ve already built in BigQuery and all I want to do is what feels like a simple count of the number of times the combination of the person_id and the specific activity in the activity column has appeared in that table and create as a new column with a value/count of the adjacent combination in every row: ‘combination_count’ There are thousands of rows in the table so it’s no good creating a filter or wheres etc.
It feels really simple but it’s driving me mad. I’ve tried using counts and partitions but it doesn’t work for me.
desired result:
person_id | activity | combination_count |
1234 | activity_1 | 1 |
1234 | activity_1 | 2 |
1234 | activity_2 | 1 |
5678 | activity_1 | 1 |
and so on…
You can use row_number()
select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by person_id, activity order by person_id)
from t;