I’m trying to count active users in the last month by comparing the logged event against today’s date. So for example if a user logged in 2 days ago(09/01/2021), the query would evaluate to true since the logged in month 9 = todays month 9 AND logged year 2021 = todays year 2021. since its only using months and years, a row should be able to evaluate to true if they’ve logged in within the month. There are three tables, 1 with recorded login times, 1 with user information, and 1 that serves as a nexus table. My problem is that something evaluates to false and all my counts are 0. any suggestions?
the 60*60*-5
is just an adjustment for the time zone
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT E.userid) AS UsersThisMonth FROM user U JOIN roles R ON R.userid = U.id LEFT JOIN events E ON E.userid = U.id AND E.siteid = R.siteid AND MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(E.time + (60*60* -5))) = MONTH(DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL (60*60* -5) SECOND)) AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(E.time + (60*60* -5))) = YEAR(DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL (60*60* -5) SECOND)) WHERE R.role = 3 GROUP BY R.siteid
Instead of comparing the month and year separately, get the timestamp for the beginning of the month and compare with that.
You don’t need to add or subtract the timezone offset, the functions for converting between Unix timestamps and database times automatically adjusts.