I’m trying to get the column names of a table using XML
datatype and information_schema
columns. When I tried to use the result in another select statement, I have the results with the repeated column name instead of the results set. I have even tried to cast it to varchar
but it still failed. what have done wrong ?
DECLARE @TSQL1 varchar(1000); SELECT @TSQL1 = CAST((SELECT SUBSTRING((SELECT ', ' + QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) FROM [ProdLS].[ information_schema.columns] WHERE table_name = 'roles' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION FOR XML PATH('')), 3, 200000)) AS varchar(max)); SELECT @TSQL1 FROM [aubeakon_scrm4].[acl_roles]
My query to get the results from roles table using the column name retrieved from.
You cannot execute dynamic SQL like that. You need to use sp_executesql
. You also need to declare dynamic SQL as nvarchar(max)
You should also use
to unescape the XML
DECLARE @TSQL1 nvarchar(max) = N' SELECT ' + STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) FROM [ProdLS].[information_schema].columns WHERE table_name = 'roles' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, LEN(', '), '') + ' FROM [aubeakon_scrm4].[acl_roles]; '; EXEC sp_executesql @TSQL1;