I have one insert query in oracle —
Insert into sample (name,time) values ('RJ-valley',to_timestamp('12-10-18 12:00:16.565736000 PM','DD-MM-RR HH12:MI:SSXFF AM')); select time from sample; output : 12-10-18 12:00:16.565736000 PM
same how can i insert in MySQL and i want output as same as oracle.
First try to convert str_to_date
then do a date_format
so the query should be as
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(@q, '%d-%m-%y %h:%i:%s.%f000 %p'), '%d-%m-%y %h:%i:%s.%f000 %p') AS to_date;
Sharing the fiddle here db-fiddle
In MySQL the maximum fraction is 6, so as you have shared 9 with last 3 are zero then no issues.