I have a variable in my stored procedure `@param varchar’, the parameter value will be like ‘333,445,443,222’ or ‘555’
I need to store into as row in the #Employee
table, Code
Expected output:
temp table:
Code ---- 333 445 443 222
It will work with any SQL server version. User define table function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitString ( @Value nvarchar(max), @Delim nvarchar(5) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT [Value] FROM ( SELECT [Value] = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Value, [Number], CHARINDEX(@Delim, @Value + @Delim, [Number]) - [Number]))) FROM (SELECT Number = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) FROM sys.all_columns) AS x WHERE Number <= LEN(@Value) AND SUBSTRING(@Delim + @Value, [Number], DATALENGTH(@Delim)/2) = @Delim ) AS y );
and then it can be used
DECLARE @param varchar(1000) SET @param = '333,445,443,222' SELECT value AS Code FROM dbo.SplitString(@param, ',');