I have 3 tables. Users(id, fullname), Chats(id, name) and Chats_Participants(chatId, userId). I need to select all the chats in which user with specified id consists. For example:
1. 1, ‘Test’
1. 1, ‘Test user’
2. 2, ‘Test user2’
1. 1(chatId), 1(userId)
2. 1(chatId), 2(userId)
As a result, I need something like this:
1(chatId) ‘Test'(chatName) participants(array of users in chat)
First I’ve wrote this:
select chats.*, json_agg(users) as participants
from chats
inner join chats_participants c2 on chats.id = c2."chatId"
inner join users on c2."userId" = users.id
where users.id = $userId
group by chats.id;
but this query selects only one participant
You can try with array_agg in postgresql. Demo here. Users table is not linked here, printing user id from chat_participants table instead.
SELECT chats.chat_id,chats.name, array_agg(userid order by chats.chat_id)
FROM chats
INNER JOIN chat_participants ON chats.chat_id = chat_participants.chat_id
GROUP BY chats.chat_id,chats.name