I have this table Movie
with columns defined as (CustomerId, MovieId, Name)
and I want to fetch these columns by concatenating them into a string in the position they are defined in Snowflake, by ordering through ORDINAL_POSITION
So I found that using LISTAGG() get’s me pretty close to what I want. By doing the following I get close to my desired string, but I get duplicates of the column names. I’m seeing that people will use group by and order by based on a column in the table instead of using ORDINAL_POSITION. So this is what I’m struggling to find a solution. I’ve found that COALESCE could help since it returns the first Non-Null value, however, I’m struggling to integrate this into my Query.
select listagg(column_name, ',') within group (order by ORDINAL_POSITION)
from information_schema.columns
where table_name='Movie';
Any help or ideas on how I can accomplish this?
The column names should be unqiue per table by design. Probably table exists in multiple schemas/databases:
select listagg(column_name, ',') within group (order by ORDINAL_POSITION)
from information_schema.columns
where table_name='Movie'
and table_schema = 'XXX'
and table_catalog = 'YYY';