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How to compare the value of one row with the upper row in one column of an ordered table?

I have a table in PostgreSQL that contains the GPS points from cell phones. It has an integer column that stores epoch (the number of seconds from 1960). I want to order the table based on time (epoch column), then, break the trips to sub trips when there is no GPS record for more than 2 minutes.

I did it with GeoPandas. However, it is too slow. I want to do it inside the PostgreSQL. How can I compare each row of the ordered table with the previous row (to see if the epoch has a difference of 2 minutes or more)? In fact, I do not know how to compare each row with the upper row.

enter image description here



I want to order the table based on time (epoch column), then, break the trips to sub trips when there is no GPS record for more than 2 minutes.

After comparing to the previous (or next) row, with the window function lag() (or lead()), form groups based on the gaps to get sub trip numbers:

SELECT *, count(*) FILTER (WHERE step) OVER (PARTITION BY trip ORDER BY timestamp_epoch) AS sub_trip
       , (timestamp_epoch - lag(timestamp_epoch) OVER (PARTITION BY trip ORDER BY timestamp_epoch)) > 120 AS step
   FROM   tbl
   ) sub;

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