this is what I got:
case when calldate >= date_add(now(), interval -1 day)
then ifnull(rssi,0)
else '0' end as rssi
and I want to change this part as,
for now I get the raw data of rssi, for example any digits between 0 and 120..
but now I want to change the rssi result if the data is in between certain range.
For example, if rssi is between 0 and 20, its 1. if its between 21 and 40, its 2, kinda.
I have tried:
case when calldate >= date_add(now(), interval -1 day)
then case when ifnull(rssi,0) between 0 and 20 then '1' as rssi
else when ifnull(rssi,0) between 21 and 40 then '2' as rssi
else when ifnull(rssi,0) between 41 and 60 then '3' as rssi
else '4' end as rssi
else '0' end as rssi
which told me I have mysql error. Also I have tried:
case when calldate >= date_add(now(), interval -1 day)
then if(0 <= ifnull(rssi,0) < 20) then '1' as rssi
else if(21 <= ifnull(rssi,0) < 40) then '2' as rssi
else if(41 <= ifnull(rssi,0) < 60) then '3' as rssi
else '4' end as rssi
else '0' end as rssi
but also errored.
I’m pretty lost at how to compare my rssi within a range. Because it’s inside the case (when~~else end as) query. Can anyone help me?
I think that you want:
when calldate >= date_add(now(), interval -1 day)
then case
when ifnull(rssi,0) between 0 and 20 then 1
when rssi between 21 and 40 then 2
when rssi between 41 and 60 then 3
else 4
else 0
end as rssi
expects a series ofwhen ... then ...
constructs and a singleelse
- you need
only when0
is in the control range (otherwise, if it isnull
, it will not match anyway) - the column alias must be present only once, at the end of the outer
- returning numeric values would probably make more sense than strings