If have a sales table with data like:
SALES ----- seller_id month amount 1 1 10 1 2 15
I would like to retrieve all seller’s sales in a single row. How can I combine the results from the table into a result like this?
seller_id jan_amount feb_amount 1 10 15
I can retrieve the monthly sales with this query:
select seller_id, month, sum(amount) from sales group by sellerd_id, month
But it gives me results like:
1,1,10 1,2,15
I’m hoping to transform this into:
1, 10 as JAN_AMOUNT, 15 as FEB_AMONT
You may use conditional aggregation to pivot your data with the following SQL statement as :
select seller_id, max(case when month = 1 then amount end ) as jan_amount, max(case when month = 2 then amount end ) as feb_amount from sales where seller_id = 1 group by seller_id; SELLER_ID JAN_AMOUNT FEB_AMOUNT --------- ---------- ---------- 1 10 15
As an Oracle user, you may use the following SQL statement with pivot
keyword as :
select * from sales pivot( sum(amount) for(month) in (1 as jan_amount ,2 as feb_amount ) ); SELLER_ID JAN_AMOUNT FEB_AMOUNT --------- ---------- ---------- 1 10 15